A review by goodverbsonly
Widening Income Inequality: Poems by Frederick Seidel


sometimes i feel like i'm being beaten over the head with his opinions, sometimes the poems are too dense to even read because you have to go in with a whole lot of background knowledge. this is a Personal Problem because the one poem that drew mainly from the Aeneid was very awesome and I loved it a lot. On the other hand, sometimes the poems are just too long and probably could have been much shorter.

EDIT 4/1/20:
I still am not a fan of this collection, but I was certainly able to pick out a couple of poems I liked a little bit more (hence, changing the rating from 2 to 3 stars). However: the collection requires too much context for it be useful or even readable to pretty much anyone besides Seidel himself. It's sort of a labor-intensive process to read through a single one of these poems, and at the end of one there doesn't seem to be much of a point. They're not just dense, but far too broad and try to tackle social issues head on, in, for example, a poem about the loss of a loved one, and sometimes, you just have to sigh, and say: really, WHY?