A review by kamikazegirls
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling


3.5 ☆ WOW ok. i want to say that there is SO much i like abt this book. jane's dilemma, the plotting (NOT PACING), the symbolism, the atmosphere, the early romance, the attention to detail! really there is alot to admire abt the death of jane lawrence but what absolutely KILLLEDDDD it for me was the god forsaken pacing of it all, genuinely so horrid i nearly dropped the book abt 30~ish percent in, and then again at around 50, and AGAIN approaching the end even though so much was happening! other things tht bothered me b4 i forget: the voice of jane lawrence was also very annoying and the style was ok. it wasnt bad but it also wasnt astounding.

moving on. back to the pacing. this book was DRAGGGIINNNNNNNN immediately after we got to the house, the entire hunt party home invasion sitch killed the intrigue and i was genuinely so occupied w them getting the fuck out, the big reveals tht happened here did not impact me as they should have. when the malpractice stuff (being as vague as possible here