A review by lovewitch
Το τανγκό της Σανγκάης by Jin Xing


My course changed when i became a woman.
it's a fast read. you can read this shit in like half a day. sadly i've been fucking busy because it's exams week and it took me a while to finish it.
i got it for 2€ and it was an interesting read.. a lot of people said it's like a boring Mao's Last Dancer. i didn't read that so i can't comment on it but i also tend not to compare shit so i don't really care.
i wanna talk about it more and comment on what it's lacking but it's 2am and i'm tired. there are probably some in depth reviews of it on Goodreads. am i making any sense? who cares... i'm giving it 5stars even tho it's like 4.2 for me and i didn't wanna go with 4. i think that people are being kinda harsh when rating it. come on. it's not an 1star book.