A review by murfmonkey
Jewish Antiquities by Flavius Josephus


When one of my sisters was a sophomore in high school. She and her friend concocted a plan to pass the biology test without actually studying. One of them had read where if you just recorded the study data on a tape and then played it as you fell asleep, your unconscious brain would absorb all the information and voila! you'd pass the test. They tried it! And both of them failed the test.

I tell that story because I just finished listening through all 37 hours of Josephus' Antiquities. Josephus has a lot of interesting perspectives on Jewish history so the information contained in this book is good and worthwhile. It is not, however, riveting reading. I quickly learned that this book was VERY worthwhile for putting one to sleep while listening to it.

Now, would I pass a test on Josephus? Well, you be the judge based on my sister's failed experiment. But I can confidently say that I listened through all 37 painful and boring, indeed insomnia curing hours of Josephus. He really is useful to fall asleep to.