A review by its_justine
Circe by Madeline Miller


He was another knife I could feel it. A different sort, but a knife still. I did not care. I thought: give me the blade. Some things are worth spilling blood for.

Circe is a beautifully-written, solemn memoir of Circe, a lesser goddess of the Greek Pantheon, daughter of Helios and Perse. Blessed with neither beauty nor godlike power, and exiled after a series of events unfold, she must live out the rest of her days on a remote island in the world of mortals. It is a tale of self-discovery, an exploration of the importance of inner-strength, one of hope and finding light in the darkness. It’s charming and truthful, and although the main character is a goddess, it feels altruistically human. As we witness the story through Circe’s eyes, we can feel the swelling in our hearts as she gives her own to a lover. We can feel her anguish and sorrow birthed from heartache. We can feel the fury of being unjustly judged. All feelings so very real and relatable. This story is incredible and one I really enjoyed. I cannot recommend it enough.