A review by readfrenzy
Nobody Like Us by Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie


4.5 stars

I can’t believe that one of my most favorite series has finally come to an end. *grabs tissues* After 13 books, I’m still as invested as ever in the Like Us characters. As with most endings, Nobody Like Us is bittersweet.

Krista and Becca Ritchie have taken me on an emotional rollercoaster throughout Luna and Donnelly’s turbulent journey towards happiness. This is the least gut wrenching of their three books, which was a relief to me. Will Luna get her memory back? That was the main question I had going in. Surprisingly, it wound up being less important to me than Donnelly and Luna rebuilding their bond despite all odds. I love all of Luna’s quirks even more in this book as well as Donnelly’s unwavering support. Lunnelly forever!

There are lots of changes in store for the Hale, Meadows, and Cobalt cousins. Nobody Like Us nicely lays the groundwork for the future Cobalt Empire series. [b:Burn Bright|203877088|Burn Bright (Cobalt Empire, #1)|Krista Ritchie|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1702711952l/203877088._SY75_.jpg|209734198], Ben Cobalt’s story, has a release date TBD.

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