A review by exlibrisfrancis
The Pucking Wrong Date by C.R. Jane

dark emotional funny sad tense fast-paced


“Very nice, Disney,” Ari screamed. “Good fucking boy.” Praise kink unlocked. I’d have to examine that later.

“I want to be wrapped in your skin…in your bones. I want every piece of you, all over me. There isn’t anything about you that I don’t want. That I don’t covet,”

clearly I’ve been doing a shitty job of showing just how much I love you. You're not a burden, you're my everything. Everything,” I repeated fiercely. “I breathe for you. I covet you. I spend every second of every day thinking about you. A burden?” I scoffed. “The way I love you goes beyond any love story you’ve ever heard. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep you. I burn for you, in the way that only someone can when you’re holding a piece of their soul.”