A review by cchrys
Funny Story by Emily Henry


miles and whats his name wyn win are tied for most boring eh li’s . i dont even know . maybe its me maybe im the problem . maybe im projecting my mood onto the book and it was actually really good .

“Staying with Ash, I type out. He replies almost instantly, k.”

probably overthinking this bc it makes sense hed give a short answer since he was busy like hunting her dad down or whatever but like . K?? k?????? Thats all u hbae the time to say ?? For the woman ur in love with ??

where was the energy where was the passion Where was the standards DAPHNE !! Daphne girl oh my . You know what i wouldve done in that car while that man was explaining how he went to help his ex with no hesitation .. I wouldve taken the steering wheel and veered us off the road like my god.

Also no Beach Read mention ???? weve lost the most important component of the eh universe (my everything january andrews getting a cameo)

Just remembered he bought her fudge as an apology for ghosting her Not even gave it to her face to face but SENT IT TO HER and it made me bust out laughing im sorry like he may suck but i didnt say he wasnt funny! and when i say hes funny i dont mean that in a good way, more like a deprecating way, like wow that was such a loser thing to do that its funny.