A review by casielikecasey
I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum


I wanted to like this book, as the story is an interesting one with great potential, but it fell completely flat for me.

Neither of the spouses were particularly likable, and they weren’t developed enough for me to care one way or another. I came away feeling that they never really had this test love story that the author seemed to want us to think they had and I wasn’t even sure they’d ever liked each other much. They were devoid of warmth and affection, both separately and together, and there was no sense of me rooting for one outcome over another.

I never bought Richard as an “artiste” with something to say; he seemed a hack from the start and the incessant whining was insufferable.

I read this for an easy, “fluffy” read and that it was but there is better fluff to be had.