A review by cutiejoy
Getting Over It by Anna Maxted


Wanted a silly read, and that's what I got - I liked it more than I expected to though. A little dated, a little strange, very British, etc etc, but I thought it was surprisingly funny, and unexpectedly poignant at times. The ending felt so rushed though, and Tom really was not all that. They were both dumb. I loved Helen though! Like Bridget Jones but less frustratingly idiotic (mostly), and a bit meaner (which I liked). The grief about her dad and the guilt surrounding her mother made her more of a complex character, but I was surprised at the relative lack of memories calling back to her father. I barely knew who he was, but I guess she didn't either. 
  • "Shall I kill myself now or later?"  

  • "...the entire point of being female and having female friends is that however hideous, stupid, or unwise you look, act, or behave, they are biologically programmed to tell you you're wonderful, your hair looks fab, and that you did the right thing. It's their job!"  

  • "I don't want to live like an ant, scurrying about my futile business until one day like any other, I'm crushed pointlessly, indiscriminately, under the black-booted foot of fate."  

  • "I feel like a sparrow pecking at concrete in the hope of it yielding a worm."  

  • "Tina is a prisoner to the cult of Adrian and my words are blasphemy. She feels guilty for talking to me, she says. Disloyal."  

  • "I believe my horoscope for as long as it flatters — the moment it starts chiding is the moment I dismiss it as gobbledygook."  

  • "...I believe any man who says the words 'Hey, steady there, angelsweet!' without irony should kill himself instantly to dispel the shame..."  

  • "I never was a daddy's girl and now I never will be."  

  • "Give me debts and a broken down car any day. At least I owe and drive badly how I want. And I'll never have to sit for another exam."