A review by bryiennefaye
The Witches' Blade by A.K. Mulford


5 spell-bounded stars

"Smiles meant nothing if there wasn't anyone to hear her cries."

With how much I was attached to Remy and Hale, I thought I wouldn't love this book, but damn I was SO wrong because everything just keeps getting better!

Rua was the character I never thought I would like because she was so cold-hearted, and she was so hard to love at first, but the thing about her character is that she was so real that you can't really help but understand and empathize with her; especially with her pains. Between Rua and Renwick, I can't choose who I love more because I really love how Renwick was the misunderstood villain in this series. You can clearly understand his actions and why he did them in the first place. Also, I don't usually fall for blond fictional characters because I'm always all for the dark-haired murderer type, but Renwick made it to my except-you list. I mean, who wouldn't fall for someone who reads and gifts books and tells you that you smell like home? Like, sir?