A review by markhodderauthor
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski


This is an amazing book, one of the greatest I’ve ever read; a story (event? state? maybe a challenge?) that operates on multiple levels, altering your perception of it according to which of its narrators you choose to trust. At the moment, I think it’s about physical and psychological spaces, confinement and agoraphobia, shifting coordinates and shifting context. Tomorrow, I might think it’s about something entirely different. That’s the sort of novel (artefact?) this is. Beguiling, horrifying, wonderful, baffling, and brimming with clues and misdirections, it really gets your mind working but without any sense of effort, it just sucks you in, gives you a shove, and off you go. Of all the novels I’ve ever read, this is one of the very, very few about which I can truthfully say, “This book has somehow changed me.” Utterly brilliant, and I will certainly be thinking about it for a very long time … before then reading it again. Top of my recommendation list!