A review by wingreads
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake


I have recently caught the Atlas six bug by the incredibly talent first gen American- Filipino heritage Olivie Blake (the pen name of Alexene Farol Follmouth).

Although positioned as a YA Fantasy, I have to say this dives much deeper than the genre typically offers. Olivie has built an increase world of character driven plot which also invites the reader to consider morality, ethics and ultimately the cost of their actions.

Six individuals gifted with rare abilities are invited by the Caretaker of Alexandria to complete in a prestigious one year long battle of the mind and wits. There are many interrelated themes: class, access/barriers to knowledge, gender, morality and ethics. Some of the scenes can be quite confronting as there are always naunces and fluidity to the stories we share and tell ourselves.

Olivie keeps the suspense going as new depths to each character is revealed through a series of tasks, interactions and dilemmas. At the end, what you chose reveals more about you.

I love books which make me think, relate and feel. I found myself rooting for the Assassin, the Soldier and the Villian on more than a few occasions, which suprised me slightly.

This fantasy series which has really helped me to enter the realm of dark academia. I love the competitiveness, ruthless and occasional camadarie from The Atlas six. This is the first in a series of three. I have the other two on order now.

Favourite quotes:
"History is written by the Victor's, the narrative can often misrepresent that shape"

"Empires can only sit upon a chair of three legs: subjugation, desperation and ignorance"

"The trouble with knowledge, Miss Rhodes, is its inexhaustible craving. The more of it you have, the less you feel you know".

"The compulsion to be unique, which is at war with the desire to belong to a single identifiable samesness"