A review by alkami
Credence by Penelope Douglas

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
can't even remember if that's the percentage i was at, i just rage quit and deleted it. one of the brothers tried to
fucking rape
the girl WHO IS SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD and not only do the characters act and try to convince her that it's normal but the author makes the girl say
"oh but for a moment there i wanted it"
fuck that, fuck this book, and fuck this author for ever writing this. this is completely irresponsible and it's baffling to me that this book is in the "romance" category. and what i mentioned isn't even the start of it. yes, "uncle jake", it is fucked up of you to think of and picture your 17 year old niece (putting a "step-" before that doesn't make her less your responsability)
fucking someone
when you were supposed to take care of her after her fucked up parents both commited suicide. what's wrong with people who read this shit and even recommend it?

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