A review by thischarmingreader
Out of the Woods by Hannah Bonam-Young


✨ARC Review✨

I could not have been more ecstatic than when I was approved for this ARC. The amount of love I have for Out on a Limb is immeasurable and I am so happy that I got to read Out of the Woods. Maybe I should have tried savoring it and reading it a few chapters at a time. Y’all. I couldn’t. I read it in one sitting. On my deck on the last nice sit-outside-able weekend before it’s too chilly. This was a perfect reading day and a perfect book to enjoy. Oh, and when the audiobook is available, I’m absolutely going to listen because @victoriaconnollynarrator.

So, our Sarah, Win’s bestie from OoaL, is having a major just-past quarter-life crisis. I’ll be honest. At first I was not “getting” her. I didn’t understand why she was so unhappy with her life, her station, and especially her husband. Caleb is sweet, thoughtful, her protector, and her rock. How could she be anything less than overjoyed with everything she has? It is a true testament to @authorhannahby ‘s talent that she made me “get” it.

Sarah and Caleb have been together since they were fourteen and married since nineteen. There’s a lot of room to grow between fourteen and thirty-one.

These two need *something*. Win suggests a week-long hiking excursion called Reignite which they reluctantly agree to. Sarah has all of these thoughts and feelings that she keeps bottled up and her resentment is bubbling over. Caleb has no idea. He’s just working too hard, too much, and making bank- something he learned from his father.

This book deals with a lot of issues including a significant amount of grieving a deceased parent. There are a lot of fun, light moments, but the heavy is heavy. Just be aware.

I wasn’t sure in the first quarter if I would love this book as much as OoaL, but I do. I do. I really do. It’s obviously a very different book and it for sure hit me harder in some ways. I cannot recommend it enough. I started this review immediately after I finished, but now I’ve been ruminating on it. I think I appreciate it even more. And the epilogue!