A review by aelyas
Who Cooked the Last Supper?: The Women's History of the World by Rosalind Miles


Still on the process of reading this book, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do so.

Aside from her painful writing style; the author barely tries to hide her biases and does little to conceal her lack of education in the realm of race and other cultures. I can only speak to the intersections in which I exist, but her sections on Islam were laughable. I wouldn’t even consider myself particularly textbook religious, but having engaged with Islamic texts my whole life and having exposure to the nuances of Islam (and it’s seemingly infinite manifestations around the globe), Miles comes up short in her quest to somehow prove misogyny as an inherent tenet of the faith. This is not to say that misogyny within Islam, Muslim communities, or Muslim countries does not exist. It does and it’s rampant- as it is just about everywhere else on planet earth. She also speaks of Islam as though it is uniformly practiced everywhere when that can’t be further from the truth.

Overall, the whole book screams of “yeah all women have it tough but damn it must suck to be a woman from [insert name of non-white country]!”

Africa was also referred to as a country. Yikes.