A review by mslizalou
Facing the Music by Andrea Laurence


Facing the Music is the newest release from Andrea Laurence. I was lucky enough to get a review copy through NetGalley thanks to the publisher.

I really enjoyed Facing the Music. Ivy and Blake were both really fun characters and I loved that after 5 years they still had pretty amazing chemistry. I especially loved that Blake's grandmother was the one to bring Ivy home, hoping Ivy and Blake could work things out. I wanted Blake and Ivy back together, yet knew they had so much to work through to make it happen.

I grew up in a small town and so much of this story resonated with me. I'm sure the small town rivals occur in larger towns, but I know in small towns, very little ever changes. Lydia Whittaker and Ivy had been rivals since middle school and still didn't get along in the present. Lydia was completely opposite of Ivy, yet had been in love with Blake pretty much her whole life. Lydia hates Ivy and wants Blake for herself. Honestly, Lydia was a total witch and she was totally the perfect love-to-hate character in this book. I honestly felt a little sorry for her, as she continued to live in the past and even live in a bit of a dream world.

Facing the Music is a strong and sweet small town romance. I loved not only Ivy and Blake, but also many of the characters from Rosewood. I look forward to future books taking place in Rosewood.