A review by saturdayreading
Terminal by Brendan Reichs, Kathy Reichs


Three stars for nostalgia, but I have some major qualms about this book and they could possibly be applied to the whole series.

Let's start with the simplest, smallest, tiny annoyance that is probably only a preference to me. Tory says (and thinks) the word: Blargh. I'm not even kidding. This word makes me think she's puffing out her cheeks with air and explosively pronouncing the "b", and you can add in crossed eyes as well. I'm 200% sure you don't want a heroine to look like they're throwing up (without the vomit) to the reader, and it's not like it only happens once or twice. It's actually more often than I thought. More around five times at least. It's absolutely the worst word you can use to describe frustration. That's another thing, Blargh is not equal to frustration. It's more of a sound you make when you don't want to eat something that looks and smells like it'll taste horrible. Think of the sound a Boomer makes in Left 4 Dead and you're nearly spot on to how this actually sounds.

Second, love triangle. Or should I say square? This is ridiculous and stupid, and honestly I'm done talking about this with books. Every book that has a love triangle immediately loses a star from now on. Love itself isn't the problem. The problem is the triangle. Move on and think of something different. Good Lord Almighty.

Third, THIS IS A SPOILER, the book is titled Terminal because the disease is found out to be terminal in the book by Chance who tells the Virals. He's working on a cure though, so all's good they'll just take that when he finishes. When we get to the scene where they are about to take it. They back out. WHAT THE HELL? So they chose to die over going back to normal? What the Actual Hell? What the hell?! Seriously, I get that they're teens, but they write them saying they're super smart and they make them pull this shit? Eventually, they do take the cure, but writing them stupid enough to turn it down once seems like bad writing. Like maybe they forgot they had written that they'd freaking DIE if they didn't give up being Viral.

Fourth, these grudges are held way too long. Oh, I don't like Ben because he's betrayed us. HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. He didn't know what he was getting into. He was mislead and used, LIKE ELLA. Christ. You get that Ella should get a pass but screw Ben. That is, until, you actually do screw Ben. No, he gets to be hated while Ella is forgiven immediately. She doesn't even recognize, Tory that is, this hypocrisy! So much for being smart, eh? They write Ben like like a dumb jock that's only good for his strength as well, but they make Tory pick Ben over Chance. The scientist that has brains that match hers. I kinda get that though. Chance is a bit too old to be hanging with teens in high school still. How many Seniors do you see hanging with Freshman or Sophomores? Now try to apply that same thought process to someone who's graduated, and apparently sophisticated, still hanging with high school kids. Not happening, right? Ben's grudge against Chance is more understandable, but only from his perspective, as he's written in THIS book. Not in the sense of how the book the written, meaning: If you look at it from an author 's POV it's bordering on the WTH side of the scale again. He's a teen, but supposedly he's smart enough to hang with Tory, Hiram, and Shelton. He should be smart enough to hold a grudge against Chance and not totally screw up cooperating with him due to personal issues.

You know, I had this at three stars while writing this. It's getting a two now, but it still has one star over what I'd give it if not for nostalgia. I started this series in high school, and I wanted to finish it. Jesus, though, authors need to think a little about teenagers they portray in books. Honestly, I was considered smart during my education and these decisions are nowhere near what I would make or consider even a quarter of the time. Teenager doesn't equal stupid or irrational constantly. In certain situations, yes, teens are horribly stupid. Not all the time, not all decisions, and definitely not if they're supposed to be smart.

One more thing. I don't remember where it was or what it was, but there was a clue that they were trying to figure out and it was glaring obvious. It was so easy to understand and put together. Again, if they're smart, they'd be able to figure this out quickly as well.

Eh, one more, there was a sign they read that said something like D.O.D. Special something or other... and Tory didn't know who they were. Everyone and their grandma knows D.O.D. means Department of Defense.

What a journey. It's not exceptionally cringe-y, but lord is it a fail.

Oh Odin, just read the epilogue. Kill me now before we get a real cringe book. They left it open for more.

You know, no, I'll be confident. They'll probably write her better as she ages...

Or not.
