A review by bermudaonion
The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha


Neil Pasricha was just a regular guy, working a regular job, and he thought it would be a great idea to sit back and appreciate the little things in life. In order to focus on that, he decided to start a blog called 1000 Awesome Things, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The Book of Awesome is basically a compilation of things Neil finds to be awesome. The description of each awesome thing is only a page or two and the writing is witty and sharp. Some of the awesome things are silly, some are a little bit gross, but most are just downright fun! Here’s an excerpt from my favorite, The Smell of Books:

Sometimes we went to the bookstore on a Saturday morning for a treat.

I always loved walking on those creaky wooden floors, loitering at the big magazine rack, and chatting with the friendly staff covered in glasses, beards, and thick wool sweaters. I would sniff up that heady bookstore air full of fresh paper, cardboard boxes, binding glue, and lingering coffee fumes.

The smell of books reminds me of late nights cramming for biology exams between the library stacks at college. It reminds me of lying on my elbows on a warm beach towel by the ocean on summer vacation. It reminds me of the heavy set of encyclopedias in my living room when I was a kid, the ones I relied on to write last-minute reports on the praying mantis, Nigeria, or the 1972 Summer Olympics.

The smell of books reminds me of learning to read and learning to explore the world.

I love walking quietly through bookstores and thinking of how many stories lie hidden in the pages right beside us. Entire lives have been poured into mapping the Earth and conducting experiments, crafting mysteries and teaching languages, showing us how to cook and garden, and sending us on faraway trips to faraway worlds.

The Book of Awesome is not the kind of book you sit down and read from cover to cover – it’s the kind of book you keep in your car or your bathroom to pick up when you only have a few minutes or when you need a smile. It’s the kind of book you buy for someone (a friend or yourself) who needs a pick-me-up. It’s what you pick up when you need a reminder to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. The Book of Awesome is awesome!