A review by readswithkatie
Undeniably Infatuated by J. Saman


J Saman never disappoints and this book was so good I finished it in one sitting!

Tinsley is a famous singer/actress. She decides to get away from life for a bit without telling anyone and ends up on Stone’s boat.

Stone is also looking to escape his life a bit and to find himself and get back on track. What he wasn’t expecting when getting on his boat (and then kicked off…literally) was his brother’s ex-girlfriend Tinsley. He shouldn’t let her stay and go on his trip with him but Stone finds himself with a ship mate and with their close proximity and playful banter Stone finds himself falling deep for Tinsley who is very much off limits.

I absolutely loved Tinsley and Stone together. These two banter back and forth and it will have you laughing. The way Stone matched Tinsley with her banter and innuendos (as well as other things ;)) was everything you would want in a forbidden/off limits story. When Tinsley’s world starts crashing down on her again Stone was there for her and he was all in even though to everyone else it was fake it was very real for him. Tinsley is strong despite everything going on around her. I loved the moments where they show her in the hospital with the kids and with her friends. I loved the openness and communication with Tinsley and Stone. The two were perfect together and truly matched perfectly. I loved their growth together and the tattoo was everything. I love a tattoo moment in a book and this was just so perfect for Tinsley and Stone.

Let’s not forget the spice. The spice was very much spicing in this book! These two had so much chemistry and matched each others wants and needs so well. My favorite is that Tinsley was not shy with what she wanted and told Stone exactly what she was wanting/needing and he was more than willing to do it.

I can say so much more about this book but I would highly recommend you read it <3

Thank you so much to the author and Valentine PR for the ARC of this book.