A review by cosmicblob
Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning, Side B by Tsutomu Oono


Plot ★★★☆☆
Art ★★☆☆☆
Characters ★★★★★

Average: 3.3 stars

This is the manga adaptation to the second part of the movie "Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning".
Instead of revising episodes from the anime, this volume focuses on a new villain with the ability to switch locations with another person. While the premise of it is nice, I find it quite poorly executed. We hear all about this villain, about how he is this great robber that nobody has been able to catch so far, how he has stolen this incredibly important statue, and then it's never brought up again.
The majority of this volume consists of the heroes chasing the villain in an endless game of mouse-and-cat with Barnaby shitting on Kotetsu the entire time, mainly for no reason at all, and everyone being incredibly and unnecessarily rude to each other, which is very uncharacteristic for the cast. The only truly good scene was where Barnaby decides to rescue the father after seeing his son crying as it added a nice touch to Barnaby's character. As for the rest, it put me in the same depressed mood as Kotetsu's throughout this volume, especially since the art is as crappy as in the first volume and has not improved at all.
Overall I would not recommend this to anyone who is not a die-hard fan of this series since it is not needed to understand the rest of the story and doesn't add anything to it either.