A review by literarylandscape
Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard


The strength of the Absurd! This was a difficult book to get through, not because I did not enjoy the content, but because philosophy is dense, and even more so when it wades into theology. This is regarding the Paradox of Abraham and Isaac (if you are not familiar, it is the story about the son of promise-Isaac, being asked of Abraham-his father-by God on the mountain of Moriah) He is a murderer (by ethics) yet the Father of Faith by the divine. He explains why Faith is actually the highest passion above rationality (before you start to eyeroll let me explain- he does not mean rationality is exempt, he simply means to arrive at a Faith point, one must essentially, “suspend disbelief” as in “leave disbelief at the door and move towards something that seems impossible” by human abilities, and therefore left entirely to the divine. A lot of greek and old tragedies referenced here I am only vaguely or distantly aware of. So be forewarned! Not an easy reAd, but an essential classic :)