A review by justinkhchen
We'll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida


So, so cute, I want someone to prescribe me a cat! If you want something comforting and soul-cleansing, We'll Prescribe You a Cat is an easy read well worth picking up.

In the similar vein to the popular Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, this novel also features a series of interconnected stories centering around a mystical location (a clinic that sends its patients home with cats). As much as I enjoy its magical realism tone, and the adorable description of cats, I still find the 'message' of these narratives overly explicit, shallow, and IG post-esque (along the line of 'self-care is important', 'don't over-stress' etc.). Wish it has just focused on being sweet and lovable instead of trying to spoon-feed life lessons — then again, perhaps this has something to do with Japan being a more performance-based society.