A review by kimmiereadsalot
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel


Wow. So this was a roller coaster ride! I didn’t actually know what to expect going in. The cover is misleading imo. I thought it was going to be more of a mythological retelling a la Circe. I was so pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t!

This is Mulan meets Brave meets Zena Warrior Princess but make it south Asian and throw in a a little magic and lot of its own uniqueness. 

Starting off, I was immediately drawn into this world. I like the narrator a lot so that helps (same narrator as the Daevabad trilogy). Kaikeyi (pronounced kigh-Kay) is a young girl who’s just lost her mother and must make her way in a world run by men. She also learns she has her own touch of magic that she was learn to use responsibly. 

There were a few moments in the middle that I wanted to thrash at some of the choices she makes. I was so annoyed at one point that I was like “there goes the 5 star rating”. 🤣 but the author brought me back. We aren’t perfect and Kaikeyi is no exception. 

I ended up really appreciating the roller coaster the author took me on. 

This was a 5 star fantasy read for me. And I feel like this is a pretty big deal considering there isn’t even a romance. And if you know me, you know I’m a romance girly. 

Highly recommend.