A review by kalpika
The Nine-Chambered Heart by Janice Pariat


Beautifully written and absolutely acquisitive, The Nine Chambered Heart deals with exclusively vivid perspectives of 9 different characters who were in relation with the same women through her different phases of life. Our unnamed protagonist is mute throughout the story and you will never get to listen to her side of the same in this book, which makes you perceive that this could be your story or of someone you know!

The entire pace of the book is completely lyrical which is Janice Pariat's style of writing and is remarkable. There are no cliffhangers and plot twists BUT BUT as mentioned earlier the writing will make you fall for this simple and lucid story. You will meet various perspectives in this story and not a single character is named and all their lucid memories about this young woman. The way each character describes her is perfectly distinct from one another. For instance, some conceive her as extremely beautiful; something unreal while others her as moody. Some claim her as self-centered and the opposite as understanding. The way each chapter is named does justice to the respective characters. While going through her story you may not find everything in place and wish you could know something more about her. And this is how it goes because we can never get to know the entire somebody and we are more of what others perceive us. Plus, there was a gleaming difference you will find in our protagonist from the starting to the end.
Out of all 9, my favorite is The Saint one, because it deals with innocence of love and generous affection, which tells that all you need is a Lil care & support!