A review by lenoreo
Seeing Stars by J. Sterling



3 stars — This one started out strong and fun, and then I just lost interest after awhile. It wasn’t bad, it just didn’t capture me. I might get *slightly* spoilerish in this review, though nothing a whole bunch of other reviewers haven’t also said.

Part of the problem is that Madison can be kind of a bitch. I mean, she was straight up dickish to Walker on multiple occasions, all based on assumptions. And she made some less than flattering comments about hostesses and waitresses wanting to have sex with Walker…but it feels like if I read a romance pre-2016, this becomes a LOT more common. How did we change *this* much already? I mean, yay, but… Besides that, I actually like Madison just fine. I appreciated her passion for her job, I LOVED her friendship with Carrie, and all around she seemed pretty level headed.

Walker, on the other hand? Well, Walker is wrapped up in their romance, so my issues sort of stem from that. He seems cool on his own (not that we know much because the book is entirely in Madison’s POV), but his single minded drive to find Madison and pursue a relationship was…odd. It just didn’t work for me. There really wasn’t much of a romance if I’m being honest. Half the time they are fighting, and the other half is based off some chemistry and a connection from *10* years ago. It was sweet, but it didn’t have legs, you know? I wanted to see them catch up and fall in love NOW. And again…his pursuit and determination bordered on crazy.

Ms. Mallon’s narration was spot on as always for me. I enjoy her voices, her conveyance of emotion, even her snark. And she had all that in this one.

So yeah. Just didn’t stand out for me. I actually stopped paying close enough attention, which would normally have me rewinding like a boss, but I never felt like I was missing enough.