A review by hannibalhamlet
Of Neptune by Anna Banks


ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! This book was a perfect ending to the series. I was very hesitant over reading this book because of the reviews where so many people didn't like it or was disappointed. I surprisingly wasn't ever disappointed and I definitely liked the book. I LOVED the book. I have enjoyed all 3 of the series.The books is about Emma and Galen's journey to Neptune where Emma's grandfather King Antonis sent her. The king persuades her to go. Emma and Galen soon discover this town is a town of Syrena, humans, and half-breeds just like Emma. Pale skin white blonde hair and several posses the gift of posiden. Emma meets Reed a half breed like her. Reed is very into Emma (annoyingly into Emma.) I wouldn't say I disliked reed but he was very annoying. People were mad at the things Emma did in the book but it wasn't a big deal to me and it was minor. Even though Galen and Emma weren't together for a big portion of the book, I thought their relationship got stronger. It just made them love each other more. Even though many people thought the second book should have been the end, I strongly disagree. Galen and Emma go through so much in this book and it really tests their relationship as a soon to be mated couple. Also you really get to see the relationship Emma had made with her grandfather. I loved that. This book ended the series perfect.