A review by vibrantflame
The Mystery of Mercy Close by Marian Keyes


Let me start off by saying that I am a big fan of Marian Keyes, and it hurts me to leave a 2-star rating on one of her books, but I have to be honest. Please don't let this 2-star rating scare you from reading her other books, as most of them are quite wonderful!

I felt like this book was way too long for no good reason...there were a lot of details that seemed unnecessary. I did love reading about Helen's first go-round with depression, and how scared she was of it happening again. I also really liked how Helen was portrayed....that she wasn't just a regular cookie-cutter type of person. However, it was pretty hard to believe that Helen couldn't solve the mystery though, as it became pretty obvious early on (and I'm not usually one for figuring these things out!). Also, the mystery wasn't really that compelling, and the book seemed to drag on. As I said though, most of Marian's books are delightful, and in no way will this stop me from continuing to read her books!