A review by locdbooktician
Tristan Strong Destroys the World by Kwame Mbalia


I didn’t know it was possible but now I know that it is. This is the best book that has come out of the Rick Riordan present series. The level of consciousness moving through generational trauma in this book is unmatched. I found myself either wanting to cry or clap at the same time and choosing to clap more often. A long time ago my grandmother once told me that “an old dog can learn new tricks.” This is an example of that. There was a section in this book that discussed trauma and how it is felt in the body. Tristan‘s grandmother was giving him space and giving him permission that he is allowed to feel his emotions after experiencing a trauma. The incorporation of mental health was one of the biggest things of this book because often you see with families that have intergenerational trauma that mental health is often not discussed, explored or validated. The discussion around mental health and how it is related to root magic was done so beautifully that I just can’t help but just give the author praise. The incorporation of mental health was one of the biggest things of this book because often you see with families that are intergenerational that mental health is often not discussed or explored or validated. The discussion around mental health and how it is related to route magic was done so beautifully that I just can’t help but just give all the praise to the story and the wonderful author that put it in the world.  I am so happy that this book exist and I’m so happy that it will continue to exist for generations to come. This book is normalizing that although there are living descendants of enslaved people and that our minds were once shackled and our bodies were once beaten and abuse… in spite of that there is still room for expansion and understanding our mental health and how far we’ve come and how far we have yet to become.