A review by brylliams
Manifest Destiny Volume 1: Flora & Fauna by Chris Dingess


3.5 stars
I don't know how to feel yet about this one. I need to read the next volume to see if it improves.
The main detractors are the annoyingly misogynistic language of white men. But it is the 1800s. How much slack can I give though for a historical fantasy? The other thing that bothered me was that I really haven't been able to root for any of the characters yet. I guess maybe Sacajawea, but even still she really only got like 3 sentences and she's going to be a main character, I think?
Now, the fantasy part. I'm loving the incorporation and like the exploration of it in this setting. There were a lot of parallels, surprisingly, to our own 2020 situation so that felt very appropriate while reading this. The art was passable and works so far, but the coloring makes it pop; the writing and the pacing was spot-on. Not too jargon-y for the setting and not too much written exposition, letting the panels do a lot of the "speaking".
Overall, interested to see how this progresses, I'm generally surprised in a good way how Image Comics series continue to evolve.