A review by reads2cope
Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza by Mosab Abu Toha


The houses were not Hamas.
The kids were not Hamas.
Their clothes and toys were not Hamas.
The neighborhood was not Hamas.
The air was not Hamas.
Our ears were not Hamas.
Our eyes were not Hamas.
The one who ordered the killing, the one who pressed the button thought only of Hamas.

THE WOUND from Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha.
I am endlessly grateful to City Lights Books for making this ebook available for free. 
I started it during the #ReadPalestineWeek, but soon knew I needed to take my time with it. 
So many poems hit me exactly where I needed to feel, this book kept me from becoming desensitized to the ongoing genocide.
I often find myself wishing I was a better writer when I start to put together my reviews, and that’s never been truer than now. Thank you, Mosab Abu Toha.