A review by goldentortoisebeetle
Self Portrait, Trina Schart Hyman by Trina Schart Hyman

I started renting and reading TSH books in late 2024. I was so enchanted by her style. I kept combing through my public library for more of her work, and found this little autobiography. It's perfect! It gives me a glimpse into the author's life, as she tells it. 

Something I wondered about after seeing a photo of TSH is her sexuality. In this telling of her life, she marries a man and has a child, then later divorces him and spends the rest of her life living with different female artists and their children. Her wikipedia page says "For about the last decade of her life, her romantic partner was teacher Jean K. Aull." All this being said, I'm adding her to my rich pantheon of queer children's books authors, along with Margaret Wise Brown, Maurice Sendak, Arnold Lobel, Tomie dePaola, Tove Jannson, and many more named and unnamed.

I learned that "Self-Portrait" series is actually a collection, with a few other children's book authors / illustrators. I think I'll rent those as well.