A review by booksandbraids
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix


I am really torn between giving this book 3 and 4 stars. So far I've changed my selection at least 3 times. I liked the book, but there were parts that really bothered me and drove me insane. But I think maybe that was the point- to feel angry at the fact that no one would believe what Patricia was saying she witnessed until basically it was too late and *SPOILER*
someone they actually knew and cared about got hurt and eventually died because of it. While it was not the organized vampire slaying that I imagined (they did not finally all work together until the very end... I was expecting them all to be much more united from the start.... and it was not your traditional vampire) it was still a very good story.
I actually think I like it more for it not being a traditional vampire. The fact that he was something unique but close enough to the vampire myth made her question it more and made killing him more interesting because they really did not know what would work. 

I am a bit nervous about the fact that they put the entire torso/arms/legs in a single location, even if they are separated by trash bags... They should have burned the body piece by piece and scattered the ashes in various locations. This is a sequel waiting to happen. Although maybe that is the point.

The husband's really pissed me off in this book. They felt much more 50's than 90's with their restrictive control of their wives. You will see just how much they pissed me off in my commentary from throughout the book below... I can completely understand the one and two star reviews that trash this book for its sexism. 

Also, a special shoutout to how the author made cleaning into a superpower, haha. While I doubt the cleaning will hold up to forensics analysis, I am impressed nonetheless.


- 57% it makes me SICK that no one will listen to Patricia. SHE SAW HIM MOLESTING THAT CHILD IN THE BACK OF HIS VAN. SHE SAW IT AND EVERYONE IS SAYING THAT SHE HAS NO EVIDENCE AGAINST THIS MAN. Yes, the other evidence with the van in storage and the license plate and the ton of cash and what not is circumstantial. BUT SHE SAW HIM! She literally saw him and no one will listen. Not her friends. Not her husband (who is a complete piece of shit along with every other husband in this book. Honestly, it makes me want to eliminate the entire male human species). Not the police (although from watching Dahmer on Netflix I’m learning how incompetent the police are in real life so I guess this isn’t a surprise). She isn’t even claiming that he is a vampire so they have no reason to think she is insane- regardless of whether he is a vampire or not, he truly is molesting and hurting these children. She is a normal house wife with no signs of former instability or craziness or attention seeking behavior who went out to help a friend when a child was missing and she saw something! They have no reason to not at least listen and look into what she is saying. The only reason she started doing her own little investigation is because no one would listen when she legit witnessed the molestation of a child in the woods. AND THE CHILD HAD A MARK RIGHT WHERE PATRICIA SAID HE WAS HURTING HER! MORONS. THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL MORONS. THIS IS WHY JEFFREY DAHMER WAS ABLE TO KILL FOR AS LONG AS HE DID BECAUSE EVERYONE JUST IGNORED THE OBVIOUS EVIDENCE WHEN IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. It makes me want to chuck this book out the window and not finish it. 
- And I really must say more about about these husbands. They are treating their wives like school children. The wives are not allowed to talk to the police because their husbands say so? These “loving husbands” literally bring over the man that their wives are afraid of and force them to apologize to him?? What the fuck is this. The 1950s?! A forced apology is never a true fucking apology anyways. And now to force them to interact with this guy monthly? Divorce them all. 
- And for Mrs. Green to be angry at Patricia? Can’t she fucking see that Patricia is doing everything she can to help? That she is sacrificing everything? Her friends, her family, her credibility?
- And now this hospital scene…. I am pissed off that Patricia did that. How did she think that would help? But Carter should feel ashamed for turning the kids against their mother. I hope he regrets what he has done. I hope he gets eaten by a vampire. Or by rats- just like his mother. 
- What has he done?! HE MOLESTED THE CHILD! She saw it! Omg make it stop
- You need a partner? SHE NEEDS A PARTNER! Someone to believe her! 
- 60% “I’ve still never met someone worth giving up my freedom for” says a MAN in this book. What freedom are these guys sacrificing? I guess it a big responsibility to take on someone who is basically your fucking servant. Fuck these men. AND NOW HE IS CHEATING?! 
- 61% Carter expects Patricia to “teach Blue how to handle his emotions” after he purposefully turned the kids against their mother and told them not to listen to her because she was unstable? Wow. Wtf is wrong with this man. 
- Oh, I never did comment on how strange it is that everyone just took the whole rat incident as a normal freak occurrence. That isn’t normal. Even as a freak occurrence. Why did they not look into that more?!
- 83% I really really hate this situation