A review by ashley_webb13
Rent: Paid in Full by Jesse H Reign


ARC Review

I just want to start by saying I am 100% team Miller. I absolutely LOVED him. I went into the book expecting not to like him and take to the broody, antisocial character more but nope I loved Miller. Was he cocky and slightly annoying? Yes but he had an underlying sweetness to him. Golden retriever meets cinnamon roll type of energy.
I also really liked Ryan as well. He was broody, antisocial, with anxiety. I could relate to him in ways, not being a people person and having anxiety myself it’s nice to find characters with similarities.
These two had amazing chemistry together.
Ryan just can’t seem to catch a break and Miller wants to help Ryan but wants him too so he propositions Ryan into letting him rent him for different things. It starts small and escalates pretty quick.
Miller falls first. Ryan well, he just wants to deny, deny, deny his feelings. And he does deny them, for a LONG time. It’s like he knows how good they are but refuses to acknowledge it. They are hot. They are angst, and spice and everything nice. Miller becomes slightly obsessive over and possessive of Ryan, but I’m pretty sure Ryan loves it. He just doesn’t think good things happen to him.
I especially love the epilogue in this book. That’s a special kind of foreplay.