A review by petealdin
Black Feathers by Joseph D'Lacey


Is this book horror or scifi or fantasy? The answer is, Yes.

A very very clever blend of the three with a plot that starts as a slowburn and just keeps ramping up up UP ... all the way to the final page.

The worst thing is having to wait for the sequel!!

If you like post-apocalyptic, you'll love this. It's a cut above most everything I've read and on a par with The Stand (but completely different). The world and its demise make perfect sense as depicted. There are some bad guys with logical motivations for whom I found myself craving the worst punishments possible. And some genuinely likeable characters such as Gordon, Megan and Mr Keeper.

Loved it. Worth perservering with the slow burn opening 100 pages even if you don't like that, because by the end of the book, it's hard to put the blessed thing down.