A review by bart154ce
Black Feathers by Joseph D'Lacey


This review first appeared on my blog Bart's Bookshelf.

“When the final days came, it was said that Satan walked the Earth in the guise of a crow. Those who feared him called him Scarecrow or sometimes Black Jack. I know him as the Crowman”

So opens the story within Black Feathers. Listening to this one on an audiobook, was definitely the right decision, the style of writing and Simon Vance’s telling of Gordan and Meghan’s stories, made it feel a little like listen to a bard of old, spin a yarn.

We follow our two main characters, Gordan and Meghan though two very different time periods, Gordon’s where the world is on the brink of apocalypse, the environment is failing, and a dictator style leadership in the process of taking over. When his parents are ‘collected’ Gordan is left on his own, his only chance is to find the Crowman, for good or bad.

Megan’s story is many years later, in the time of the Bright Day. It is many years later, but her journey in learning Gordan’s story, is just as caught up in the Crowman’s.

Despite having teen protagonists this is definitely a story for older readers, often quite dark and disturbing, I’ve seen the odd comparison to Stephen King about the writing, and while I’m not experienced enough of King’s writing to agree, I think that those that are old enough to read the horror master, are likely the right age to try this one.

Megan and Gordon are both compelling leads, and you’ll feel for Gordan in particular, as all he knows is stripped away from him, that’s not to say Megan’s journey is any less meaningful, but her’s is by choice, where as Gordan’s is not.

The supporting cast is also peppered with some strong and interesting characters, especially the elderly Keeper, who is Megan’s guide for her journey.

It’s funny, it could be argued that not a lot happens in terms of plot development at least, but this, the first book in the duology, is all about the asking of questions, and the story we do get is compelling enough for it not to be an issue.

It won’t be long before I make a start on The Book of the Crowman so I can follow Megan and Gordon’s journey to the end, and to discover whether The Crowman is for good or ill.