A review by caitpoytress
The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha


This was such a warm and fuzzy reading experience. Some of the entries brought with them a heavy dose of nostalgia, while others provoked the surprise and delight of "Hey, I do that too!" recognition. The book works best read in small doses, maybe a handful of entries a day. Any more and you run the risk of it becoming tedious (you're reading what is essentially a list, after all), and that would be a shame. Pasricha's commentary on each entry is sometimes sweet, often blunt (but not obnoxiously so), and almost always amusing. I'm looking forward to reading [b:The Book of (Even More) Awesome|9379365|The Book of (Even More) Awesome|Neil Pasricha|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41aazJ6TKTL._SL75_.jpg|14263000], which just came out.

Of course, this review would not be complete without listing some of my favorites (I wish I could post the commentary for each entry, but I think my fingers would mutiny if I tried to type that much tonight):

- Old, dangerous playground equipment

- The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes onstage

- Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row

- The smell of freshly cut grass

- Peeling off your wet bathing suit and putting on warm clothes after swimming for a long time

- Hanging your hand out the car window

- Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away

- The smell of books

- Dangling your feet in water

- When you arrive at your destination just as a great song ends on the radio

- Saying the same thing a sports commentator says just before they say it