A review by jackm316
Black Box Thinking: Why Some People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do by Matthew Syed


The central tenet of this book is the importance of redefining failure as a learning opportunity as opposed to rejecting, re-framing and punishing mistakes.

Drawing on examples from aviation, medicine, banking and sport (among others!) Syed encourages a growth mindset and a culture of open dialogue in order to foster a high performance environment in which people aren’t afraid to fail.

Failure is a part of life that should be accepted, we all fail at some point! It is what we take from those failures and how we use them to improve that defines us.

Matthew Syed never fails to disappoint. If he hits the spot…. Rebel Ideas was truly incredible and the Ping Ping guy podcast (with Flintoff) is great fun if you’re into sports psychology.