A review by elodie2711
Reliquary by Martha Wells


An excellent book!
The story was well-conducted and suspenseful, once I got drowned into it I couldn't let go of the book, and if I had to do it (like to go to sleep) I kept thinking about the story, which is as far as I'm concerned always a good sign (showing obviously that I like what I'm reading).

Anyway, though as I said the story was great, you could wonder why the hell they didn't think twice before rushing to that planet. I guess you could always argue that at that time, they were desperately searching for ZPMs, such making unwise decisions.

I like the way Martha Wells handled the relationships between the characters, and especially all the parts with John and Rodney. I'm really fond of their relationship as friends, and I found that the author portrayed really well that side of the show.