A review by arredondo_
Madame Curie: A Biography by Ève Curie


Posiblemente la mejor biografia que he leido hasta hoy.
No por la escritura, la persona. Me parece que no he encontrado nadie tan profundo en su alma como Marie, hay tantas cosas que quiero copiarme de ella, que quiero acercarme un poquito mas a su manera de vivir y ver la vida.
Tan profunda como su alma fue su curiosidad. Apuntandome a muchos mas lugares donde mirar en busca de consumir un poco de la sabiduria que vive ahi flotando entre cada una de las lecturas.
Lo mas poderoso de ella, su ejemplo. Que hermosa persona, que increible historia.


Perhaps the best biography I have read so far.
Not because of the writing, the person. It seems to me that I have not found anyone as deep into her soul as Marie, there are so many things that I want to copy from her, that I want to get a little closer to her way of living and take on life.
As deep as her soul was her curiosity. Pointing me to many more places to look in search of gather a little of the wisdom that lives there floating between each of the books and peoples.
The most powerful thing about her, her example. What a beautiful person, what an incredible story.