A review by thebookeer
Ketotoitumine: 30-päevane tegevuskava kaalu kaotamiseks, hormoonide tasakaalustamiseks, ajutegevuse ergastamiseks ja haiguste seljatamiseks by Josh Axe


"Keto diet" gives an overview of the benefits of going on a high-fat; low-carb diet together with a full meal plan for 30 days.
When reading books about health and diet topics, I try to google whether the writer looks credible and either is a practitioner with papers or is truly based on research. This author was more focused on experiences and less on the proven science which makes it less trustworthy and the book must not be taken as the universal truth. It also became repetitive very quickly, although health books are mostly not valued by the writing style, but the efficiency. The majority of the book is filled with recipes and recommended meal plans for different diets so reading goes fast.
Yet, the idea behind the keto diet was quite convincing. I discovered that my current diet as well as cupboard includes a lot of carbs so I will definitely not go on a full keto diet overnight, but I will make some experiments on myself.