A review by eggcatsreads
The Starving Saints by Caitlin Starling


What is madness if everyone is mad? What is depravity if everyone is depraved? What is power if no one is in control? This book makes you think about all of this, and more, while making you come into direct contact with some of the worst conditions humans can endure while trapped in a finite space - and whether or not anyone even deserves to be saved. 

In all honesty, you need to go into this book with an open mind and an empty stomach, and just allow yourself to be engrossed in it. I went into this book entirely blind and I personally think that was the best decision I could have made. The second you think you understand where this book is going you will be hit with another round of madness just around the corner making you realize you don’t understand anything at all. Enter of your own free will and enjoy the ride, because you’ll be taken on one whether you want to be or not. 

A huge thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Avon and Harper Voyager for providing this e-ARC.