A review by cupcakes_and_coffee
The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age by Steven R. Gundry



There were a few interesting tidbits in the beginning. But overall, a lot of the information is just very basic, things the majority of people know. The rest I wasn’t impressed with. From the start, he references older studies that have been debunked for many years, sometimes decades. And he absolutely cherry picks these. He also quotes statistics as if they are studies but anyone with any basic scientific understanding can see that they are actually only anecdotal. And so many of the observations and correlations he makes don’t even make sense and would never be a part of a legitimate study or even conversation. As if that isn’t enough, his plan is ridiculous. I didn’t read through most of it because I personally don’t believe most healthy people should be eliminating huge parts of a whole food, natural diet unless there’s a good reason such as allergy, sensitivity or disease. He seems a little wacky to me. 
Peter Attia’s book “Outlive” and his podcast are a much better resource for real longevity research and discussions. And I’m positive there are many others, as I’ve read many great books that focus on different aspects. This is not one  I can place any trust in.