A review by bobkat
The Killer's Cousin by Nancy Werlin


As absorbing as the first Werlin I read, [b:The Rules of Survival|110535|The Rules of Survival|Nancy Werlin|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1171642114s/110535.jpg|3495482], though less gripping (if that makes sense), this y/a concerns two teen deaths and the nature and meaning(s) of guilt. I thought I had one of the "true stories" pegged and was waiting to be disappointed by being right, but the ending was far more interesting and meaningful than what I had in mind. You could argue that Werlin leaves certain points hanging, but I'd acutally say she is good about not force-feeding her readers what she wants them to take away from her works; she lets you glean from the characters enough to profile them yourself rather than summarizing it for you.