A review by seventhchariot
No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know about Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Rachel Louise Snyder

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I've concluded that journalistic storytelling isn't my thing. 

This book is focused on a subject that I'm interested in, however, the way it's set up and written just made me bored and slightly confused. The first part of this book starts by describing a family in great detail, throwing a bunch of names straight at you that got hard to keep track of. 1/4 of this book is dedicated to this one family that experienced domestic violence, and besides the facts of this particular case, not many other facts are given. Part 2 (which is where I stopped reading), switches to a whole different vibe, which once again took me out of the story and lost my interest. 

I would rather have a book be more informative OR to be a deep dive into one particular case. Mixing both into one didn't give me what I wanted sadly. Besides what I already knew, "that domestic violence is bad and hidden", I didn't learn much else.