A review by bonnieg
Wilde in Love by Eloisa James


With Eloisa James the keys to my level of enjoyment are generally how much I like the two main characters, and how good the Shakespeare jokes are. I am happy to report that I very much liked the main characters here, especially Alaric who was kind of a 18th century boy-bander. Alaric traveled through Africa recounting his adventures to a rapt audience. With that spark already there, an anonymous party (yes you will find out that person's identity) writes a play recounting Alaric's adventures, and adding in a whole bunch of fictional daring-do and some romance. The play opens in London and is the scandalous hit of the season, turning him into an unintentional heartthrob pursued by women wherever he goes upon his return to England after many years away. Its a fun storyline! He soon becomes enchanted with Miss Willa Ffynche one of the shining stars of the season, but she has no interest in him. First, she wants a man she can manage. Second she does not want to live with notoriety herself, and third, she does not want a husband whom half the women of her acquaintance are trying to bed. There are some moments toward the beginning where Willa is downright rude to Alaric for no real reason, but for the most part I liked her -- she is funny, smart, and cagey. I also loved her dynamic with her delightful bestie and with her unique pets (whom you will also get to know.) There were some solid Shakespeare digs, but too few. I love when Shakespeare scholars talk smack about the Bard! Overall one of James' hits for me -- not perfect, but very very good.