A review by subtlemurder
The One Who Got Away by Caroline Overington


Loren thinks she has the perfect life - a big house, a handsome husband, two beautiful girls, and nothing to want for. But one day, when picking her daughters up from their high-class private school, she is handed a sealed envelope, and the contents of this envelope is about to change her life...

This is the first Overington book I have ever read. I am familiar with her as I have heard her name through the grapevine in relation to previous works. I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down with this book, but I found it reasonably enjoyable. It wasn't terribly well written, but it was engaging. The pieces of the puzzle were revealed bit by bit, and it was enough to keep me entertained and wanting to know more.

This is an easy read, and you won't see the twist coming. Definitely recommended to those of you who are enjoying the woman-centric suspense-thriller genre that seems to be popular as of late (i.e. Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, Pretty Baby etc).