A review by siennawritez
Fanfiction by Bjorn Van den Eynde



Compared with the first one, it’s terrible.. nah just kidding, but I do feel like it takes a step down..

it takes place over two days, which is (imho) wayyy too short for a thriller.
I didn’t feel connected to the characters and it all felt extremely surface level, compared to the first one, where I felt like every character was complex and you could really see how no one is black or white and almost everyone is morally gray (quite frankly, this is way more realistic than being either good or bad), but in Fanfiction (a bad title as well, since fanfiction is a story based on an existing work/person, eg. Set in Hogwarts but with original characters or just straight op self insert into the story, but Nona, the mc, writes original stories she posts on Wattpad aka not fanfiction) the characters are bland, had no depth and a lot of things were started but not finished. There was a whole side plot with people who have crushes etc etc but (since it takes place in two days) everything feel incomplete.

Overall, it’s a fast read and can be fun if you don’t think about it too much. Especially if you’re not an avid reader and need a book for eg. a book presentation, this is a great pick. I do think it could also be used as a step up to the thriller genre if you aren’t used to reading it.