A review by booksrlush_
The Girl Next Door by Phoebe Morgan


In this novel we follow three POVs, Jane the wealthy mother of three who is married to a doctor. She has the life everyone want, well that would be until they see what goes on behind closed doors… She lives next door to Rachel the mother of the dead girl. This is an insightful POV we get the nosy neighbour, the gossiping mums and then Janes story intertwined.

DS Madeline Shaw is the one who is put on Clares case, ready to do her job she starts investigating. I think having her as a POV character was a mistake she doesn’t really seem to do much? She doesn’t divulge any information we need, there quite boring chapters.

The final perspective is Clare the girl who was found dead, in her chapters we get to see the day leading up to her death. We get to know what she’s feeling, how her home life is.

I think I would have enjoyed the narrative a lot more if it was Jane and Clare. I think having more of Clare would have added more to the story, we would get to know more, we’d get to see who she was and more of what her home life is really like. Some of the book fell flat and most of that was due to Madelines chapters.

The plots was good, girl found dead. Who done it? Let’s try and find out while learning all about this small town. I’m in. Sad that the book didn’t execute the kind of drama and mind fuckery I want when jumping to a physiological thriller.

I have to admit I didn’t see the twist coming, I didn’t guess the killer. It was slightly anti-climatic. I do wish it was longer act three felt like it was crammed in all at the last second. Also I wish there was more build up to Janes reveal a little more background clarification of what was mostly hinted at but never explicitly stated.

Overall good read, would pick this author of again. If your in the mood for a slow burn, domestic thriller with a few turns in the road and you can get you hands on this book, it worth reading it.