A review by thebooksatchel
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness


[b:A Monster Calls|8621462|A Monster Calls|Patrick Ness|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1387584864s/8621462.jpg|13492114] by Patrick Ness is a wonderful read. I was in two minds when I started the book because I didnt think this book would move me to tears contrary to popular opinion. I was so wrong. This broke my heart.

Conor is your regular school boy. His mother is ill with cancer and his dad has another family in America. That is when he starts visiting him. He? Well, a monster!! Yes! A monster who is a yew tree outside his house starts visiting him past midnight and offers to tell him stories. In return Conor has to tell him the truth. If not, the consequences might be disastrous,

Ness pens down a lucid tale of grief and truth in this book. It reminded me of the griefs I have experienced in my life. As well as the monsters that lurk around us. I highly recommend the read. It really captured my heart.

For full review check http://www.thebooksatchel.com/book-review-a-monster-calls-by-patrick-ness-heartbreaking-and-un-put-down-able/